
Cheap MLCS 9542 Safety Small Parts Holder Online

MLCS 9542 Safety Small Parts Holder

you looking for cheaper MLCS 9542 Safety Small Parts Holder?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells MLCS 9542 Safety Small Parts Holder and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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MLCS 9542 Safety Small Parts Holder
Eliminate danger and enhance safety when working with small parts. Securely positions and aligns small parts with quick release clamping action, preventing slipping and keeping fingers away from sharp cutting edges. Large, easy-to-grip handles guarantee precision and control when custom-shaping small pieces. Can handle wood stock up to 10" and any cut angle up to 45 degrees. Works for router or saw tables, drill presses, band saws, joiners and more. Great for toy parts, door rail ends, and other detail jobs that would be dangerous or impossible without it.

MLCS 9542 Safety Small Parts Holder

  • Keep you fingers safe
  • Hold small stock safely
  • Easy set up
  • Can handle wood stock up to 10-Inch
  • Cut angle up to 45-Degrees

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