
Best Cheap MLCS 9289 Tenon Cutter 5-Piece Boxed Set Shop

you looking for low price MLCS 9289 Tenon Cutter 5-Piece Boxed Set?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells MLCS 9289 Tenon Cutter 5-Piece Boxed Set and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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MLCS 9289 Tenon Cutter 5-Piece Boxed Set Features

  • Make tenons from any shape stock, including end-grain
  • Make true-sized dowels
  • Shear angle design for smooth, easy cutting
  • High quality steel cutters
  • Wooden storage box

MLCS 9289 Tenon Cutter 5-Piece Boxed Set Overview

These unique cutters will make tenons from any shape stock (even end grain). They can also make true-sized dowels up to 3" long, and face grain plugs. Open body design allows easy plug clearance. The shear angle design makes them the easiest cutting tools on the market. High quality steel cutters have 1/2" shank for use in drill press, horizontal borers and lathes. Attractive Wood Boxed Set includes sizes 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", and 1".

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